You can create your own fundraising page here.
Our secure platform is entirely free to use and allows you to receive donations or sponsorship online from your supporters. The funds are processed on your behalf and sent directly to the charity.
Customise your page with your personal story, photos, and updates. You could raise 65% more just by writing a page summary! Think about why you’re raising money and why the cause is important to you.
Choose your fundraising goal. Setting a fundraising target can lead to a 17% increase in the amount you raise. It gives your supporters a goal to get behind, so don’t be afraid to go big!
Kick off your fundraising and commitment to your challenge by being the first to donate to your page. People who donate to their own page to get started raise a whopping 84% more!
Email your friends, family, and colleagues with the link to your page, and share it on social media. You could also include the link to your page on your email signature if you use one. Make sure to include examples of how fundraising makes a lasting difference for our Veterans and their families. Target your most generous supporters first. People tend to donate amounts based on what others have already given.
The platform will autogenerate a fundraising QR code for your page. Add the QR code to posters, print, and add them to local notice boards, village halls or cafés, wherever relevant and in places where people will see your fundraiser. People can then scan the code and donate directly to your page.
Update your page with fundraising progress and resend to your contacts. If you’re taking on a challenge event, connect it to your Strava account so your supporters can track your training progress.
Personalise your thank you email and ask your supporters to spread the word about your fundraiser to their friends and family. After the event, update your page with photos and the result, and remind people they can still donate.