Easy Fundraising and Give as you Live enable you to shop from over 3,000 retailers and donate to us at the same time. If you shop online then you can raise additional money for Veterans With Dogs without even noticing! Also use Amazon Smile and the company donates a percentage of your shopping total to your chosen charity.
This is a simple and fantastic to raise funds for Veterans With Dogs if you have a birthday, anniversary or other special occasion coming up where you can’t get together to celebrate with others. For more details see here.
If you’re having a declutter and a clear out of old things at home, rather than throw them away, you can sell them on eBay. Great news is that you’re reducing waste, and you can raise funds for Veterans With Dogs too. Choose to donate anything from 10% to 100% of your sales cost to Veterans With Dogs. Also, you can save on your fees so for example, if you donate 50% of your selling price to a charity, eBay will waive 50% of your fees. Visit eBay to find out more.
Donate your store loyalty points through Good Causes.